Barbara Alexander

Hello? It’s the Universe calling…

How do we hear what the Universe is telling us? Recently a new student asked me, “What can I do to get clearer on what the Universe is trying to tell me?” For those that are attuned to the fact that the Universe can even connect with us, this is an awesome question!...

The Energy of Love is Palpable

It is in the precious moments that I know that we are here together to be more of who we are than we ever were alone. Zorro, my beautiful white Andalusian, is a powerful healer who has ministered at my side to hundreds of people over the years. One night everything...

High Vibration is Natural to You

I recently had a conversation with one of my students who said that it was hard to stop that inner critic that continually had negative things to say. We all experience that from time to time and making the choice to do something differently can shift everything! In a...