Along the path...
The Gifts of Vulnerability
I remember talking to a particularly successful fortune 100 CEO who had been a client for many years. He was sitting alone at a celebration and I sat down next to him to check in to see how things were going. It wasn’t uncommon for CEO’s to find themselves isolated...
Horses Teach Leadership Presence
Over the years I have seen business training programs come and go because it is virtually impossible to impart the intuitive skill necessary to embody leadership presence through books, traditional team building or motivational lectures. Nothing can replace the value...
What You Think Matters!
Building Trust Isn't Just Skin Deep We knew our thoughts mattered - we just didn't realize how much. Scientific studies discover more each day about the powerful impact of thought on the world around us. The effects of thought are felt outside the body in...
Do You Feel Inspired Or Is Your Brilliance Missing?
At first, everyone expects a work environment where you feel inspired, understand the goals and have minimal drama - but most of the time that's not what you get. Do you have the vision for a company that feeds creativity, innovation, and true success? Maybe I need to...
What Superwomen Need to Know
There is infinite wisdom in every cell of our body, but most of us have no idea how to access it in everyday life.
How To Find Inner Balance When You’re Triggered
Inner balance is the foundational key to true success... but it's only attainable when your priorities are clear. Pema Chodron, a wonderful teacher of wisdom, talked about a Tibetan term for the feeling you get when you are triggered by something...