How to Improve Inner Stability? | Barbara Alexander

When change happens, when we are caught in a place that feels like a maze, when life seems to throw us a curve ball, it is in those times that I am most grateful for the investment in my personal practice and life skills that are continually expanding.

Sometimes the emotional winds are cold, and can bite at our comfort in ways that seem to penetrate our very existence.

If we are not aware, or practiced in the skills of personal balance,

our lives can be tumbled around leaving us confused, and with the feeling of being weakened, lost, and/or boxed in.

So many of our emotions are given over to the occurrences around us. Over time, we can be-come used to a life in response to others, living out our days as if we were in human bumper cars, scattered on the track and bumping our way through life.

If we are clever when this happens, we can learn to see the humor in ourselves, and that can help us to shift our behavior back to balance again. From one perspective, being out of balance is like an amusement park ride. You just need to remember that when you have had enough, you must choose to get out of that bumper car!

All of our emotions – our happiness, sadness, even our fear – are influenced by the way we think, and it can also be in direct relation to those who surround us. So if you are, or have been throughout your life, around someone who is living their life worrying or defending, you may be subliminally influenced and energetically affected, causing anxiety that you may also be perpetuating.

Understanding how to differentiate between what is mine, and what is someone else’s emotion, is important. However, I have found that no matter what the cause of uncomfortable emotions, the most valuable life skill is learning how to honor myself through listening within, to my inner compass. The next step is critical, I have learned that I can choose to move out of discomfort through personal focus, towards what my heart really desires.

When we make a habit of honoring our inner compass, we strengthen the skills of listening with-in ourselves, and we can more easily follow that guidance when our balance is compromised. It is in those first moments of imbalance, that we are given the clues to find our way forward to more wholeness and inner peace.

This learned response of listening within and following your way forward can shift your whole life, and create an immeasurably profound improvement, so that when you find yourself bump-ing your way around the track or in a rut, you might even be able to smile… and know that you can make another choice.

BTW, I’ve created a simple but powerful tool especially for those times when you feel frustrated because you can’t seem to find your true north. Click on the FREE toolkit to decode your inner wisdom so you can get the message from your heart and soul.