The TRUE Measure Of Success | Barbara Alexander

The True Measure of Success is the Amount of Joy You Experience Everyday…

We all can use a simple guide to happiness, especially during struggles that sneak into our day-to-day life. Negativity can become pervasive and being positive has gotten a bad rap, like spiritual bypassing, but let’s look a little deeper into another possibility.

What if you could acknowledge the discomfort, but remain open to ways you could shift your perception? Remaining optimistic, even though the dips, will take a disciplined mind but the benefits are well worth the effort. Below are some ideas to help you through.

Adopting a glass-half-full philosophy can, among other things, improve stress management, your immune system, your overall physiological as well as psychological well-being, and… it can even add years of great joy to your life.

Being optimistic doesn’t mean that you bypass difficult feelings or that you have to ignore the unpleasant situations which come into everyone’s life from time to time. It does it mean we can learn to control how we look at things, remain open to the real message behind the discomfort and move on to experience more joy.

Here is a tip to support you in staying on the sunny side when life seems to throw us into the clouds.

Different things work for each of us so pick what works for you and practice it – just a few focused thoughts can create a powerful shift!

  1. Don’t try to fix things when you are in the heat of the moment. It is never a good idea to try and solve problems when negative emotions are running high, escalated or overwhelming.
  2. Take a step back, breathe and find your balance. It may require that you get away from it COMPLETELY so that you can find that balance by shifting your focus temporarily, take a walk, do a meditation, take some deep breaths, watch an uplifting show…  Then come back to the issue and you may just find the downward spiral stopped allowing you to have a fresh outlook. The results are apt to be much better.

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