The Gifts of Vulnerability | Barbara Alexander

I remember talking to a particularly successful fortune 100 CEO who had been a client for many years.

He was sitting alone at a celebration and I sat down next to him to check in to see how things were going.

It wasn’t uncommon for CEO’s to find themselves isolated since many people are afraid to talk to them.

In those moments he admitted something to me that I’ll never forget.

I had just commented on the great job the company had done because they had attained phenomenal growth over the past year.

He didn’t smile or even acknowledge the success, instead he said something that took me by surprise.

He said in all seriousness it feels like stepping into an unknown frontier without a playbook. He said he only hoped he was making the right decisions.

In leadership retreats I have noticed something incredible happening for those who have learned how to thrive even in the unknown.

There is a common denominator innate in emotionally intelligent leaders, they don’t fear vulnerability.

The acceptance and even the embrace of vulnerability for ourself and each other can offer some of the greatest opportunities in life.

For more information on Barbara Alexander’s leadership retreats and training click here: