Life can be so much more…
My Highest Level of
One-on-One Coaching Support
If you’re tired of the rat race.
If you know there is more out there for you.
If you don’t want to let another precious day slip by without finding out what MORE looks like.
To quiet the chaos.
And if you are excited to live a life full of happiness, joy and fulfillment.
I’m excited to support you along your path to hear and follow the call of your soul!
I have discovered that the measurement of REAL success is straightforward.
It’s the amount of JOY we experience every day. Being able to wake up every day, excited about what the new day will bring – now THAT is true success!
In short, I’ve learned that my superpower is helping woman like you, who have achieved great things in career and in life, but who have that feeling or calling that there is something more out there, to discover what that something is, by tuning into and listening to their own inner wisdom.

Private Half-Day Experiential Learning
This in-person session provides the foundation for your personalized journey.
Defining your highest path is an individual process of discovery, whether you have an active career or not. Eventually, most of us find that without personal fulfillment, no amount of money or prestige feeds the soul.
So today’s world calls for us to develop skills and make important choices that include mindfulness, healthy boundaries, and personal integrity – in our work and at home.
In this private experiential session, you will discover your own unique signature energy. You will be able to discover any gaps in your personal energetic field, and begin to develop skills that will support YOU on your personal journey to joy.

Weekly Coaching Calls
I want you to know that although you may not realize it, messages from your soul, have been whispering to you all along — every day.
They’ve just been drowned out by the noise and chaos of everyday life.
Deadlines, multi-tasking, meetings, and high-stress days that morph into tension-filled weeks that in the blink of an eye, become years. Your brain feels crammed with demanding, never-ending mental messages that leave no room for… well, YOU.
That changes today!
There is nothing like having a trusted support system in your corner as you navigate towards genuine fulfillment in life.
Through weekly coaching calls you will learn how to understand the messages of your internal guidance system and find the path to move through the in’s and out’s of life’s challenges with greater ease and grace.
The process of inner balance brings so much more joy to life and as you develop your skills to understand your heart and soul in support of YOUR inner well-being saving thousands of hours of frustration and discontent.
Quickstart to Personal Joy
This decoding tool is an audio for a quick personal rebalance and is designed to be used over and over whenever needed.
Lifetime Access to Portal to Purpose – A Personal Visioning Program
Personal alignment begins with awareness of our own energy and greatest inspiration. Given the chance, our bodies hold the wisdom and guidance we seek but most people don’t have the tools to access that information.
In this carefully designed process, you are guided through meditations to find the deeper heart’s vision. Each step is designed to help provide more clarity on your unique path to greater personal fulfillment. Along with the 10-meditation sessions, you receive a step-by-step workbook to keep your notes and journal for the final piece that energetically supports you.
Many of my clients use this program at the beginning of each year to fine tune their focus for the year ahead.

“This is not a program to be learned and then left on the shelf like so many notebooks from a collage class. This is an experience that changes the individual, that has changed me, in such a deep and continually evolving way that there are too many words and yet not enough to express the power of the journey.
What I learned, or rather experienced has permeated every aspect of my life.”
Learn How to Create the
Life & Career That You Love
- Discover Your Heart’s Vision and Find Tools to Embody this Great Resource
- Learn How to Quiet Non-Productive Chatter and Align With Inspiration
- Train in Skills to for Energy Modulation, and Healthy Boundaries at Home and at Work
- Find Personal Keys to Inner Balance, Mindfulness, and Happiness
And for Entrepreneurs:
- Develop Clear Vision for Heart-Aligned Direction
- Discover Value-Based Training to Stay On Target with Life Goals
- Learn the Secrets to Creating Genuine Happiness and Inner Success
- and so much more…
When Does My Coaching Program Start?
The three-month program starts as soon as you are ready.
We will begin with your first coaching call and set up your intensive half-day experiential session. After that there will be interim assignments, on-line training and individual coaching sessions to support your progress.
All sessions, including personal coaching sessions are designed and facilitated by Barbara Alexander.

What Do I Do Next?
If your heart is saying YES! fill out the consultation request by clicking on the button below and get ready to create a life that inspires your soul!
Experiential learning intensives are held at Epona Ridge, located in the enchanting Blue Ridge Mountains of Asheville, North Carolina. Additional intensives can be added as needed.