Barbara Alexander,
Frederic Pignon & Magali Delgado
Returning to Colorado!
Sept. 24-27, 2021
Sept. 29-Oct.2, 2021
Oct. 4 -Oct. 7, 2021
Is This Workshop For You?
Have you been looking for something different, something that is almost indescribable but yet you feel the calling deep within your heart from that place that yearns for genuine connection?
The upcoming workshops offer so much more than horsemanship, this is an opportunity to take your HEART CONNECTION to a place most people only dream of…

Auditors are welcome to observe both riding and liberty sessions, and invited to PARTICIPATE WITH HORSES in EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING AND INTUITIVE DEVELOPMENT break-out training.
Each segment will focus on one of the three different skills needed for genuine connection in the non-verbal world of energy between horses and humans.
This is an unparalleled opportunity not to be missed!

Twelve horses will be chosen to participate with their owners throughout the workshop. The VIP Auditors program provides intensive training and hands-on experience to engage and learn about personal energy, energy modulation, and tools to develop the intuitive connection with humans and horses.
There are THREE AREAS OF TRAINING. For more information on program specifics scroll down for details on what this unique training includes.

(not just for those with horses)
There will be multiple sessions offered. Each session will have 12 participants with their horses, and an all new 3-day VIP Intensive option for 6-12 additional people.
The program for participants with their horses will be the same as in past years but the auditor experience has turned into a beautiful VIP intensive for a limited group of individuals.
Whether you are an equine enthusiast or not, the experiential learning develops skills of self-awareness, energy co-regulation, non-verbal intelligence, and bidirectional healing for humans AND horses.
This VIP intensive provides daily training for advanced human development, personal awareness, and the energetics of soulful leadership.
Each session includes 3 days of structured group training through experiential learning in the arena with horses, auditing Frederic and Magali in active training sessions, and VIP discussions.
You will have the opportunity to work with different horses for half of each day in sessions with Barbara to cultivate heart presence and self-awareness, learn skills for calming and co-regulation of the nervous system for humans and horses, and cultivate a non-verbal intimate and honoring language through energy awareness and modulation skills.
Half of each day will be dedicated to auditing active equine training sessions with Frederic and Magali. Then, at the conclusion of each day, Frederic, Magali and Barbara will open roundtable discussions to share their secrets and philosophy regarding horses, the soul level of connection, inner balance, and training methodology for various ages, breeds, and disciplines.
Because of the concern for group gatherings, we are limiting the number of people and everyone will be COVID compliant as required at that time. If the pandemic prohibits travel we will fully refund your fee. Because we will have limited space we are taking reservations now.
It looked different. As I approached, it FELT different.
Her session with the small group and onlookers had already begun when I slogged through the mud and slush to have a look-see at what Barbara and this horse in the round pen were up to. It looked different. As I approached, it felt different. Something was going on in that pen between them, and I needed to know more.
I’d gone to Littleton in the spring to audit the three phases of the experiential learning program that Barbara, Magali, and Frederic were presenting for the second year. Good friends had attended the year before and encouraged a troupe of us to go check it out. I was looking forward, mostly, to learning more about the Real Horse Stuff—obviously from Frederic and Magali (The International stars and originators of Cavalia). But what Barbara did in that round pen was more than just between a horse and a person.
I was transfixed and needed to know MORE. I hung out for a while, and she invited me to have a few minutes with a rather cheeky gelding who put me in my place toot-sweet! In the rather short time I spent with Barbara, the others, and the horses, I knew I needed to know more about this different way of communicating—not just with the horses, but with any sentient being.
So about that different way of communicating . . . I had plenty of pride in knowing that I’m an effective communicator. That goes for people as well as horses, dogs, cats, etc. After all, I had studied it in college, and I’ve applied it in my businesses for a quarter of a century!
Well, that gelding told on me in a split second. I got too close too quick, and he pushed back in no uncertain terms (safely, mind you!). With Barbara’s guidance I was able to approach him on his terms, and I was able to convey my boundary to him when he approached me. A conversation had begun, and a spark of curiosity was borne in my spirit.
What was this magic she dispensed? The horses and the people in and around that pen were radiating an energy that I’d never experienced before, and Barbara was the guiding light for my seeing it. I was experiencing a different way of communicating. I became aware of what kind of energy I was putting out and what kind of energy was coming back to me.
My assertive nature and behavior might not be particularly well suited to beginning a new relationship! My energy going toward that horse was Too Much for him. Gosh, I wonder if some people might feel the same way? The wheels were turning in those few minutes, and I still needed to know MORE.
Visiting Magali’s and Frederic’s sessions after a baptism in Barbara’s session gave me new eyes and opened my whole being into better understanding what they were doing with the horses, riders, and handlers. It wasn’t “magic”. It was simple. I quickly learned—through the horse—that I can modulate my energy output to accommodate the other being, and that agreement initiates honest communication between us. Barbara’s insight and guidance helped me quickly see and internalize this energy management.
After that day in and around that pen, I’ve had the pleasure of working with Barbara, Frederic, and Magali at a special two-day retreat in Ft. Collins, then a 5-day retreat in 2019 in France. The other participants and I quickly become comfortable with each other and shared intimate experiences together, often revealing things about ourselves that we’ve kept hidden. Those experiences, for me, were cleansing at the very least. At the most, I’ve learned so much more about how I present myself to others including my horse. I’m more patient with him, and our relationship (and our work) has improved immensely. At work I’ve “rocked back” (a Barbara-ism) and have been rewarded with even richer and healthier (read profitable) relationships.
I’ve worked with Barbara via Zoom over the summer to help me further define and refine the tools she’s helped me discover within myself. Her guidance has helped me through some life challenges and has provided me with different perspectives from which to view those challenges. The opportunities that were created out of those challenges have been rich and rewarding.
My life is filled with much more joy, and I’m finding it much easier to define a “problem” emotion and more quickly navigate into healthier territory. All my relationships are healthier, and I’m finding greater ease in moving through conflicts. This would not have been possible if I were still unaware of how my energy affects others. Those minutes in the round pen under Barbara’s guidance provided a revelation, and the vibrations from that are still resounding in my being.
In closing, I will continue working with Barbara to hone my skills to further improve my life and those around me. I look forward to working again with Frederic and Magali. I will say that if it were “just” those two, there would be a huge piece missing. Barbara is the conduit for a greater understanding of the “magic” you see when Frederic and Magali work with the horses.
To Know More?
Most people know Magali Delgado and Frederic Pignon as the original creators of the equine theatrical sensation Cavalia.
Now, these stars are coming to the US for a limited engagement to share their skills, vision, compassion, and training techniques in a workshop of intimate learning.
Here is a short video clip from their most recent equine theater in Europe.
EQI carries a message for tenderness and hope for our earth.
Their insight for training, through the heart of connection with horses, is unparalleled.
Frederic Pignon, Magali Delgado
and Barbara Alexander
There is a new kind of connection that's possible, it comes from learning how to be in the moment, unencumbered by expectation, and open to a shared dream of joy. This is the inspiration behind The Mind, Body, and Spirit of Horsemanship with Frédéric Pignon Magali Delgado and Barbara Alexander. Their combined work with horses and humans provide the keys to a much-needed shift in life today.
We are excited to announce these new and unprecedented workshops here in the US that envelope genuine connection in horsemanship. It is an extraordinary opportunity for unparalleled private training and personal transformation.

MAGALI DELGADOWith her genuinely kind heart and grace, Magali Delgado shares techniques that inspire inner awareness and the experience of profound connection and relaxation while riding or working in hand no matter what discipline. The focus of her work will shift the way you think about horses forever. (Read More) Frederic and Magali are best known in the US as co-founders of and trainers for the equestrian theater spectacular Cavalia which toured the United States and European capitals from 2004 to 2009 playing to more than two million spectators. (Photo: Complements of Aiken Equestrian Media)
FREDERIC PIGNONThrough his exceptional relationship skills, Frederic Pignon invites us into a whole new world of connection with horses at liberty. His work is an endless discovery and inspiration. Frederic shares powerful tools that create deep trust through patience and profound understanding as he seems to move magically through space and time with horses. In these unique sessions, we witness the presence of a benevolent leader and gain new skills to inspire desire and greater joy in our horses. (Read more about Frederic and Magali here)
BARBARA ALEXANDERBarbara Alexander began offering retreats in Provence 8 years ago when she met Frederic and Magali. Barbara specializes in personal and intuitive development for humans but her method for training is experiential learning co-facilitated with horses. Together, Frederic, Magali and Barbara created the Mind, Body and Spirit of Horsemanship and the wholistic focus of human development expanded to this very special workshop for equestrians. It is creating greater integration of skills and extraordinary results. Barbara facilitates sensitivity training in the subtleties of energy modulation, personal balance and intuitive intelligence development. These core pieces are integral to the advanced training at Liberty and the sensitivity of riding in pure connection. During the US programs, Barbara works with participants and auditors to discover the subtleties that build mutual trust and strengthen non-verbal communication. She has inspired the lives of thousands of people through equine facilitated development workshops and experiential retreats that delight horse and non-horse people alike. (Read more about Barbara here)
How this fits into my whole way of being with the horses I work with is important to me. Several times throughout this experience I have been moved to tears through seeing the transformation in the horses when treated with that kind of respect. My trust for my horses has zoomed and I’m sure it is the gestalt of this whole process.

Ask Yourself These Questions
- Could you be a better partner to your horse?
- Do you understand what your horse is trying to tell you?
- Are you confident in your horse?
- Are you and your horse unhappy or bored with the status quo?
- Are you looking for something fresh and inspirational?
Once in awhile, you have an opportunity to learn from those who have reached the true level of mastery within their field. This level of skill takes a lifetime of trials and errors, growth and dedication. Frederic and Magali have lived with horses their entire lives and have found the keys to creating a relationship with horses that most of us only dream of.
“What people do not appreciate is that every time a horse submits to pressure, whether subtle or overt, he is diminished. Probably the great majority of people who achieve their own ends by making their horse submit are not even aware of what they have done. It is a sad fact that a horse can be made to do many things by breaking his will. If he can be persuaded to give his assent freely and pleasurably rather than give into man’s pressure or clever techniques, he is not diminished.” Frederic Pignon from their book Gallop to Freedom.
I am a USDF Bronze and Silver medalist, so I have been to thousands of clinics over my dressage career, Fredrick, Magali, and Barbara have the best horsemanship I have ever seen. They see every fine detail and give so much information on communicating and being a true partner with your horse. Being an FEI dressage rider I have attended many clinics, this one I took home so much on being a great partner with my horse, with relaxation, suppleness, and, thoroughness, both mentality and physicality. I really have never seen better horsemanship.